MDC MDC - Founding Fathers

Are the founding fathers terrorists or freedom fighters?
And Paul Revere the famous night rider
And Andrew Jackson the Indian killer
A movie of his life could be a nightmare thriller

Hand out blankets with disease
Our God is so much better we believe
Genocidal times, get on your knees
We are the good guys or so we perceive

So back then they rebelled against the king
The U.S. in Iraq is really the same thing
All the radio hate disc jockey's rage
Screaming we should blast them back to the Stone Age

Just like John Wayne running up the hill
See how many Vietnamese he could kill
Destroy the village to save it is part of the plan
Just as letting African's die of AIDS is to steal their land

"Mommy, was George Washington a terrorist?"
"No honey, he was a great man, the first president and an important slave owner."
"Mommy what are doing in Iraq?" "Honey we are gonna' teach these people how to be free."
We prop up the Saudi's corrupt regime
Denied people's rights and justice so it seems
All done for convenience and all that black gold
Send our boys off to protect our freedoms or so they're told

"Didn't they lynch black folks in the South
and set them on fire and hang them from trees just like they did those men in Iraq?"
"Oh honey, that was so long ago. We don't think about things like that."

All this hypocrisy makes us sick as hell
Our murderous government think they're so swell
Capture people deny them their rights
Abuse them from Guantanamo to the Golan Heights

Are the founding fathers terrorists or freedom fighters?
Take land from the Indians in trade for a little cider
Remember the only good Indian is one that is dead
How would it feel for it to be us instead?